Teaching Service Design in Nairobi – SEI, UN Women och Rockefeller foundation
av Erik Widmark
Tags: Utbildning, Kundresor, Tjänstekarta, Design thinking, Service design, Afrika, Kenya
Background: As part of a capacity building initiative by the Rockefeller Foundation and UN Women, Expedition Mondial was in charge of designing and delivering a week long course in Customer Journey Mapping at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT) in Nairobi, Kenya.

The purpose of the course was to give the students tools and methods for understanding the customer perspective in product, service and system development processes. Furthermore the course taught the students how to build a platform for collecting, visualizing, pinpointing and communicating insights and customer needs. This in order for the students to ensure they create desirable solutions that truly fit the user's context and meet their expectations.
The course resulted in a one week in-depth experience of service design, giving 30 master students customized tools for understanding customer needs in their future work as agricultural experts. Four of the students were also given the chance to participate as research assistants in a service design research project performed within the same initiative founded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
How did we perform the training?
The service design capacity building course was open for 24 master students at JKUAT but due to popular demand a total of 30 ambitious and eager students attended. To mimic professional life the students got to work in groups on real life problems such as public transportation and services. After a thorough theoretical walk through of service design and the concept of customer journey mapping (CJM) the main part of the course was dedicated to "learning by doing". Moderated and coached by Expedition Mondial the students engaged in collecting in-depth knowledge and understanding of their target group and analyzing the data. In reflection sessions the students were encouraged to analyze the way of working and share their experiences to the other groups, thus creating a learning environment where the students could draw upon knowledge from each other. Discussions mere moderated to reflect on how these methods and tools can be used and adapted to the students individual line of work.
What was the outcome of the course?
The result of the course were 30 students each with new customized tools for understanding customer needs. Four of the students were invited to join a field study conducted by Expedition Mondial and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) to map out the system, challenges and opportunities of women mango farmers. This gave the students even more practical knowledge in the art of building Customer Journey Maps, understanding user needs and translating them into possible future scenarios.
What did the students think?
It was a new, interesting and creative way of looking for solutions with the customer/user at the forefront. The colorful post-its were an added bonus for me, made me feel really creative!
- Daisy Otieno, Master Student, JKUAT
The new concept of CJM design is a simpler and artistic way of carrying out research, continuous practice in art and design leads to perfection. I understand now that customers perceive different experiences under similar subjects.
- Tirra Amos, Master Student, JKUAT
I enjoyed the interactions because they increased my confidence when dealing with other people!
- Erastus Kiko, Master Student, JKUAT